Friday, June 07, 2024

Stefan/Dominic over time

Here's my main protagonist of the A-team. I don't mean to suggest that the A-team is superior to the B-team; it was just created first, and I've done a bit more work on it over time. The "leader" of the team is Dominic Clevenger, originally named Stefan Clevenger, who is a former Ranger Shadow, now freelance, and still relatively young; middle to early late twenties. My first model of him was one of my earliest models and is quite primitive. But by and large, in spite of some improvements, I haven't changed his look much. He's a blond, green-eyed Hill Country native who normally wears outdoorsy leathers and his signature item is a coonskin cap. He also wields a bow and a cavalry saber. The cavalry saber models were recently updated (or rather, new more realistic thinner saber models were released relatively recently) which is what prompted the update. I actually have made a few face updates over time, but I think my original non-customized face looks the best still. Here's a sampling of some of the images I've cropped out of Hero Forge over time.

The very original model. No shading, low resolution, and I hadn't even added the coonskin cap or the saber yet; he's wielding a Viking style sword. When I made this, it wasn't even Stefan Clevenger yet, just a generic Hill Country Ranger.

Although I do still have an intermediate step here, this is really the evolution of this model before I started changing pose and lighting and stuff.

This is the final form of this model; after this I actually rebuilt him from scratch. Next step was mostly gear and clothing changes.

While this model is a little older, it's actually one that I like quite a bit. This most recent image-grabbing utilizes the new saber model, but I didn't change anything else, just swapped his weapon.

The second of these is actually an older grab, and it has a thinner rapier rather than the newer thin saber. In the angle of the first of these, you can't tell that it's a saber rather than a rapier, though, so these can be seen as merely slight angle variation on the same model. This is actually probably my favorite, even though it doesn't use the face customizer, and I'd consider it the iconic look for Dominic.

This isn't significantly different. I got his face to look better; my first attempt at using the face customizer didn't really give me a look that I loved. It's close enough to the image above that it's just a slight outfit alternate, and either is fine. 

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