Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Heroes 3 final portraits post

I said at the beginning of the year that I wasn't going to do this, but I am. One final post will have all of the alternative portraits that I've loaded into Heroes 3. Most of the alternates are from ensricks, but I do have some that I created myself from AI generated images, and I do have some that are taken from some VCMI alternate towns, especially the Tartarus and Death Valley towns. Since I don't really use VCMI, nor am I likely ever to do so again, those portraits won't have any conflict.

A few of the ensrick portraits that I'm using were actually developed for a different character, but I swapped them for one reason or another.

Anyway, without further ado...











UPDATE: And I've already updated a bunch of these, probably because I saw them here and remembered that I didn't really love them. I'm also thinking of redoing all of the minotaurs with a kind of ogre face that I have in a lot of varieties from Midjourney. I don't really like the minotaurs as Heroes.

UPDATE 2: I did replace all of the minotaurs with these big bulky "earth genasi" guys. Or at least, this is what Midjourney thought earth genasi look like. I guess they do kind of have rocky skin.

I had a few others that I didn't use, because I couldn't use them all.

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