About the Blog

This blog is my "gaming blog", as opposed to my hiking blog, or my paleontology blog, or my Street Fighter type games blog, or any of my other blogs that I decided were "off topic" for this blog.  For this blog, there's a number of recurring topics.  You can check out the tags list to get more specific, but at a higher level, here's what this blog is about:
  1. Setting design for my long-running current setting, DARK•HERITAGE (hence the name of the blog.)  This game is occasionally actually run as well; I've got a number of house-rules on how to do so.  See also the page titled. Dark•Heritage for more detail. This has advanced over the years to Dark Fantasy X. I do have a blog specifically for Dark Fantasy X; although curiously I haven't quite figured out what to do with it, and I do most of my blogging about it here still.
  2. I also tinker with some other setting design ideas here and there.  
  3. I also do a lot of general game-related talk, about the hobby of roleplaying games and some specific ones that I either play or am interested in playing.
  4. More and more frequently over time, I've started talking about adjacent hobbies, like the state of pop culture that appeals to gamers; fantasy and science fiction in books, TV and the movies.
  5. I occasionally, but rarely, talk about some personal stuff, or other hobbies that don't necessarily intersect with gaming, fantasy and science fiction. In Current Year, sadly, that is frequently bemoaning the state of our cultural and social and political landscape, which has become incredibly toxic and bizarre incredibly quickly. 
Although I won't change the URL, or attempt to do anything like that, I will eventually change the banner and the way I refer to this site as Dark Fantasy X. 

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