Friday, August 14, 2020

Friday Art Attack

 It's been a quiet week. It's actually been a busy week, which means that my efforts on my blog, my Youtube channel, and elsewhere have been quiet. So, the last post I made was a slightly delayed Friday Art Attack, but now it's time for another one.

The only thing otherwise that I've done that's on topic, and it's relatively significant, is that I've read the newest Dresden Files book. I actually had stopped paying very close attention because it had been so long, and when I looked; lo and behold! A book had been released just a few weeks ago. Because our public library is in pickup by appointment mode only, stuff isn't getting checked out very often, so it was available. I got it over the weekend and finished it a day or two ago. It's not my favorite book of the series, but it's not my least favorite either. It feels kind of like an entire book of set-up for the next book, which at least is scheduled to come out very shortly; in late September, actually. I've already put that on hold at the library too; the lockdown and mask hysteria crap won't end until November 4th, at least.

Anyway, on to the art!

Knights of the Old Republic characters put in the classic, original Star Wars poster format. Kind of brilliant, actually.

Nagash and his rebirth. I've probably posted some version of this art before, but I still love it.

Nothing super dramatic, but a classic example of what Star Wars looks like in its quieter moments.

Some kind of furry, gigantic viper of some type. Really nice. 

Nightgaunts attacking some of the more esoteric Paizo iconic characters.

Exotic cities at night.

I think this speaks for itself. It's not quite as exotic as the old video game from the 80s called Joust, but it's a similar idea.

Just brilliant.

The largest of the gorgonopsids from the late Permian.

A classic D&D demon. A quasit, if I recall the artwork correctly.

Lovecraft and Innsmouth turned into a pulpy b-movie.

The Jabberwocky vs. some Paizo iconics. Honestly, most of the Paizo iconics are pretty stupid, in my opinion. But then again, Paizo has become a nest of SJW corruption, so that's not shocking.

Another image of the jabberwocky. Which, while classic, isn't really a folkloric animal, which is probably why they tend to become much more dragon-like over time.

The Jaguar King! Nice stuff here!

Space opera ship battle. Nothing special, but still great.

A great image of a jedi.

And one of the cutest of the pterosaurs in a pretty realistic fashion, even if the trees behind him are very stylized.

Monday, August 10, 2020

Friday Art Attack (delayed)


Dux bellorum, the title in the earliest texts given to Arthur (not king.) It translates more or less as warlord, although more literally, it's actually Warduke. I'm pretty sure Gary Gygax would have known that, if the name Warduke rings any bells. Although the character he created sounds more like the Horned Helmet character of Frank Frazetta fame. See below...

This is a pretty iconic style image. I don't know why that place looks like Orthanc, but those characters don't look like Aragorn and Gandalf and Merry really, at least not to me.

Goblins from 4e. Nice image, actually.

Some kind of Greek warrior. I dunno. Nice picture, though.

The tyrant lizard king in a quieter, more artistic moment. But still showing off his impressive chompers.

I don't know for sure what's going on here, but this is a cool image. Always remember; in my fantasy, magic certainly exists, but it's ALWAYS unnatural and therefore extremely hostile to human life. Yeah, yeah... that's an elf, it looks like. But still. Elfs, if I have them at all, are also uusally unnatural and extremely hostile to human life.

A couple of landscapes from Dromund Kaas, the capital of the Sith Empire in Old Republic.

Castle Ravenloft! What a great, iconic image. It doesn't hurt that Ravenloft is, of course, copying great iconic imagery from Dracula. One of the strengths of D&D was its ability to incorporate classic elements and turn them out as recognizable pastiche. When it tried to be more original is often where it went wrong.

Very early concept art for the "supercommando". As you can probably tell, it ended up evolving into Boba Fett, but there was a whole concept behind him originally that was different, as was the Clone Wars of which he was supposed to (originally) have been a leftover.

Some more intriguing Star Wars concepts.

A fascinating landscape of a fantasy port city.

Some Assassin's Creed Odyssey art, if you go with the female version of the main character, I believe.

A typical day in the gallery forests of the Morrison Formation, with two Diplodocus emerging from the forest into a ferny meadow.

Nedry from Jurassic Park. The little guy is the Dilophosaurus from the movie. The big one is what an actual Dilophosaurus woulf have looked like.


I'm not quite sure what this desert warrior thing is; maybe a hobgoblin or something, but it's a very cool image.

Luis Royo. I once kicked off an entire campaign based around this image. Turned out great, too.

Some kind of spirit of the wild type thing.

Shipyards in deep space.

A pastiche of the famous Death Dealer character created by Frank Frazetta (I told you to see below.) This does seem to be a more proximate visual inspiration for Warduke, even if the title itself seems to come from Arthur.

Friday, August 07, 2020

Grr... Google!

I've deliberately been using Google Classic Sites because I greatly prefer it to New Google Sites. I do grudgingly admit that New Google Sites is probably better at looking good across multiple platforms, including phones, whereas Classic Sites was optimized for your typical computer monitor or laptop screen. However, it had a lot of customization options in terms of the look and feel of the site that New Sites does not have.

However, I just got an email from Google that if I don't migrate, eventually my sites will disappear. Sure, sure, this wasn't set to happen for over another year, but I figured why wait if I have to do it anyway? I'm only going to get more used to New Google Sites by using it. I'd rather not, but if I'm not going to have a choice anyway, might as well do it sooner rather than later. 

I went ahead and migrated all of my sites, although I admit that some of them may not be relevant, or they may be redundant with each other too, but I'll clear that up later—I can always delete sites I don't need later. This is especially galling because I just set up the Eberron Remixed site a week or two ago, and I'm still fairly heavily involved in editing it. Anyway, I may yet play around with the formating, or more likely I'll just have to forego having any kind of really custom formating anyway. Maybe that's for the best, given that I want it to be cross platform viewable anyway, I guess.

Anyway; I missed the Friday Art Attack last week after trying to get it back up again, so I'll make sure and hit that later today.