Although this was all the rage before people decided to flip out and act hysterical about the "election year flu season", I don't really pay attention to trends in RPGs very much, so I only saw a few off-hand mentions of it. I've now figured out what this whole consent in gaming thing is all about. I've seen YouTube videos arguing for and against it, and I've even read the document and the checklist itself. Sure, it was painfully cringy and entitled, but also free and only about a dozen pages.
In spite of the fact that it seems like a really retarded April Fool's prank or poor taste joke, it's actually not (although the people who defend it are.) There are people who think that this is an actual serious thing, and that it should be promoted. By "promoted" I mostly mean, that they will call you a terrible person if you disagree. Maybe alt right (the official position and statement by the cuck-in-chief at ENWorld on the issue, for instance. Surprise, surprise.) Maybe a racist. But before you actually respond to those kinds of allegations, I want to remind you of two things.
The first is the three rules of the SJW. 1) SJWs Always Lie. Don't listen to their defense of this indefensible ridiculousness. It's not meant to be taken seriously, because it's not honest. 2) SJWs Always Double Down. If they continue to beat the drum of inclusivity, don't allow that to wear down your opposition to their lunacy. They count on that. In fact, they get even more lunatic, with the expectation that you'll cave just to shut them up. Don't fall for it. 3) SJWs Always Project. Remember this one in particular, and the appropriate reactions to the first two rules of the SJW make more sense and are easier to implement. SJWs are terrible people, and they know it, somewhere deep down in their psyche. That's why they're filled with such nihilism and toxic narcissism that they want to ruin, destroy and burn down everything else around them that's normal; because it reminds them of how terrible they really are inside.
Is Consent In Gaming written by SJWs? Of course you already know that from the title. But just in case you're stubborn and willfully obtuse, look at what they thought cool interior art would be...
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At least we know where the New Warriors proposal for Marvel got their ideas for Safespace and Snowflake... |
The second thing to remember is Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky. This is the toxic behavior that SJWs—even long before they had that pejorative label—use to subvert, infest and destroy small groups. It may seem odd that it would be applied to your D&D gaming group, when it was initially meant for stuff like city councils, home owner associations, corporate HR departments, etc. But SJWs apply it to everything, because they have absolutely no boundaries between their evil ideology and anything else in their life. The only thing that brings a temporary salve to the SJW's sucking vacuum that is the place where a soul would be in a normal person is the destruction of anything normal, healthy or beautiful and the replacement of it with a profane effigy of their false idols like inclusivity, diversity, tolerance, and everything else that they're lying about (1) SJWs Always Lie.) If you can see what they're doing, you are much less likely to fall for it. SJWs couch this kind of crap in prettied up terms, yet what their only real purpose is is to bully everyone around them and mold them into plague-zombies of their cult, or hollow them out and devour them trying. Just like Codes of Conduct in corporations or other organizations inevitably and in fact almost immediately get coopted into forcing out normal, healthy, effective, or useful behavior and replacing it with a continual struggle session about intersectional identity politics, this consent in gaming has no real aim other than to destroy normal people's gaming groups and replace them with continual struggle sessions for the mangled psyches of the mentally unwell.
There's two other observations that seem obvious to me but which don't really seem to get mentioned, lurking just between the lines of this document. First, why is it that what is acceptable or not has to be explicitly spelled out in some kind of pseudo-contract form? Are the people who wrote this really that socially inept that they are constantly intruding into genuinely inappropriate behavior? (3) SJWs Always Project.) Normal, healthy people who aren't blazingly psychologically dysfunctional can hold conversations without blundering into topics and positions that insult and offend the people that they're talking to. Except for very small children and the mentally unfit, people don't need to be told to avoid topics that are inappropriate most of the time. Conversation really isn't that really hard of a skill to be proficient in. And let's face it; although more focused in a particular direction, game sessions really are little more than group conversations.
Secondly, if we were take this fraudulent document full of dishonest, bad faith intentions and motivations at face value—clearly a foolish thing to do, but let's for the sake of argument, assume that it's doable—then it implies that this document is for gamers who are so emotionally incontinent, so psychologically defective, so mentally crippled, that their very presence would be intolerable to anyone over time, even their own mothers. They are "triggered" into idiotic panic attacks because their naked malice and unfit psychologies are laid bare by the very existence of normal reality. If you can hold other conversations without this imbecilic pseudo-contract approach, then you can hold a game session without it too. If you can't, then the problem isn't everyone else around you, it's you.
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Dramatic illustration of an SJW on the back of a cuck. |
Seriously; normal people are used to giving people the benefit of the doubt. Of discussing things with them in good faith. Of being reasonable and accommodating. None of that works on the kind of locust people who make up the SJW hordes and who think crap like this is a good idea. They aren't reasonable. They don't want to game with you; they want to reform you in their twisted and perverse image, or destroy you by trying. The only acceptable response to them is to immediately cut them out of your life, or at least participation in the hobby with you. Don't get suckered into thinking that you can "just this one time" or "surely they're not that unreasonable" finesse your way into some kind of accommodation with them. SJWs, like the Huns, are always either at your feet or at your throat. They're the scorpion in the animal fable. It's their nature. They aren't normal people. They can't be dealt with like normal people. Don't be the frog and give them a ride across this river.
I don't consider my game to be inclusive. It's exclusive. I'm a pretty decent GM; not the best out there, but pretty good, and I play with good players that I enjoy being around. My free time to spend on my hobby is much too valuable to spend it on enabling and coddling self-important, toxic narcissists and their multitude of issues. Inclusivity is a cult by-word. It's not a good thing, just because we've had it bleated in our faces for a long time that it is. Exclusivity is a good thing. By the same token, helping people who need help is a good thing, and can be emotionally satisfying for the helper, of course. But when I'm participating in a role-playing game, I'm doing so because I expect it to be a fun social experience. It won't be if it's a therapy session for the mentally unwell, the emotionally dysfunctional or the social narcissist that I have to endure. Anyone to whom this document would apply is not someone who's prepared to engage in normal social behavior with normal people. No thanks.
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