Thursday, June 27, 2024

DALL-Ewood patrons and NPCs

I've got a lot of images. I'll dole them out over several posts...

Brythe, the mysterious cursed sorcery student has turned herself into a half daemon on accident. DALL-E censors didn't seen to like her much, but I got enough options to... well, to have options. They're all similar. 

Alys is a different take on the femme fatale archetype; although she appears as a pretty country girl, she's actually a nasty undead wight-witch using magic to disguise her appearance. The ridiculous Bing censors really had a hard time with her, but I finally managed to get a few options that work. First, her disguise didn't give me any problems:

Here's her real form:

Finally, here's Anstal Tane. He's a much more mundane patron. But I had a hard time getting the AI to make him kinda chubby without making him morbidly obese. In the end, I kind of gave up and just took the more normal weight options. 

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