Thursday, June 27, 2024

DALL-Ewood NPCs 2

Joan Wilmere is a damsel in distress that presumably the PCs would save in the Southumbria leg of the campaign. I generated a lot of images of her. Some of them made her look too young, like 13-14 or so. I kept some of them, because that might make her more vulnerable and sympathetic so I might decide that they work, but as written, she's supposed to be about 16, and therefore young but still of marriageable age. I like the idea that she could develop a crush on a PC (or vice versa) and if she's too young, that's creepy. Anyway, I'm not posting the younger ones unless I decide that saving a young girl is a more compelling proposition than saving a girl that they might develop a courtship relationship with. (She is rich, to paraphrase Luke to Han Solo.)

And here's potential patron and major plot device for the SECOND season, Cult of Undeath: Alpon von Lechfeld.

And his daughter, Revecca, who becomes a damsel in distress herself, and later a potential late add PC and/or love interest for Dominic.

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