Thursday, February 03, 2022

Smuggler on Tython

I'll be honest; it never occurred to me to try and take any character other than my Jedi to Tython, so I didn't even know it could be done. I thought that the starting planets were locked out to the characters that started on them. Sadly... I can't take my smuggler to Hutta, or Dromund Kaas or Korriban, though. Sadly. He'd fit right in on Hutta especially. 

I wasn't initially playing most of my characters beyond the class stories, except for events and dailies and stuff, but I decided to take Luke, my smuggler, to Ilum and do the stuff that immediately follows the class story. I made this outfit for him to use there. I'm mostly done with Ilum now, except for  the final story flashpoint, so maybe I'll trade this for something else when I'm done.

Using one of the Alliance Crate pieces, I decided to make a fancier smuggler. The cape gives it a sense of gravitas that he otherwise lacks; a kind of wealthy and socially successful smuggler, if you will. A true privateer captain.

This is a pirate look, since privateer and pirate are basically the same thing. I wear this sometimes, but I'll no doubt really dig it out if I take this guy all the way to Rishi.

A very classic look for this character that I've been using since Coruscant on my original playthrough. Off and on, of course. During the playthrough, my smuggler companions were Armstech crafters, so I used a constantly upgrading series of guns that Corso (usually) made for me.

And look at poor Risha. I recast her from her original look to get a prettier version, but she probably wasn't very comfortable on icy Ilum dressed like this. Oh, well.

This is an experimental look. Most people would probably call this more of a Mercenary than a Gunslinger look, given that many of the pieces were specifically bounty hunter related. Really, though—what's the difference?

Another experimental look that I'm just trying out. I'm using it right now a fair amount, but I may not keep it. 

Sometimes my smuggler wants to be a bit more incognito, and I created this look specifically for that. I've been using it off and on since... oh, Taris, I think. Although I've made a few minor changes to it; I used to have a different jacket, for instance.

My most iconic Han Solo lookalike costume, which I've been wearing since I first got to the fleet, I think.

Another alternate; my Jedi Knight had a similar look in black and blue rather than black and gray, you may remember. I actually borrowed the gist of this look from someone else's screenshot somewhere else, I think.

Another classic look that goes back a ways; I think I found the hat on Taris, but I especially used this outfit on Quesh. 

UPDATE: Got rid of that outfit, actually, because I just unlocked another outfit, and made a new one using some pieces from it. Here's the smuggler in new duds on Ord Mantell. I know, I know. Duds is a very old-fashioned term. But there's no way I'm saying "drip"; that slang term is absolutely retarded.

The only thing I can say here, of course, is that Risha is not suitably impressed by my fancy trick shooting. Also, I couldn't get the lava in the image, because the light was bad facing that direction. It's actually right in front of my character. Sigh.

I've got two little mini probes going on in that image. One of them, with the blue label, is my "pet" which I bought on the GTN, and locked in collections, and all of my characters run around with that (well, with a randomized pet, of which that is one.) The other one is a specific armor animation. When I have a weapon out, it shows up, when I holster it, it goes away. It's a nifty piece of animation, but it does mean that I have to wear that specific headpiece (or chestpiece maybe too; not sure which pieces will make it appear and which won't.)

And finally, with my sniper and my gunslinger, I decided that I didn't like waiting for the weapon as part of the outfit designer to show up (which it has recently been announced now that it won't be available at launch of the update, and will be part of a future update a month or more out.) I've gone and spent some tech fragments that I had so that I could outfit three sets of weapons. And I just carry them in my inventory. That way, I can swap them with my outfit. It's a bit pricey, but then again, so is removing mods so you can put them in a new weapon. I actually think it's going to be considerably cheaper to do it this way.

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