I've got two big initiatives in SWTOR right now. One is the recording of my playthrough with every class story that I'm doing as an archive before the game goes dark (full disclosure; there's no such announcement, and I don't expect this to happen for at least a couple more years or so. I hope.) The second is the grinding of reputations for my older cast of characters. I've got about half a dozen, or a little more, reputation tracks where I'm already maxed out at Legend status. I've got another four or five where I'm at Champion and another four or five where I'm at Hero. I have a few others that are lower tier than that still, but which have reputation rewards that I'd like to buy still. Onderon is one that I was very low on, but I figured it's a pretty planet, so let's go grind a bit with my main Jedi Knight—the only character I have, actually, that's completed all of the story so far. (I really should catch my Sith Warrior up to him too, then I'll at least have one character on each faction. The stories are a bit different, although often mirrored in various ways, between the two factions in the expansions, so it pays to do both Empire and Republic with at least one character. It doesn't matter how many or which class, though—just that it's one of each faction.) While there, I thought I'd take some screenshots of his current roster of outfits. SWTOR fashion show incoming...
I should point out that some of these are experimental outfits; I've put something on to try out a single piece and see what it looks like, for instance, or something like that. The longevity of some of these looks is ephemeral. But I'm always on the lookout for something iconic that I can use for a long time with another character coming up through the ranks. Anyway, without further ado...

I love this spot, on the steps of the palace in the little town on Onderon, with the gigantic disk of the moon in the sky. I admit that the lighting isn't perfect, and the front of the characters is in shadow a bit, which isn't ideal for showing off what he's wearing. But it is ideal for showing off the scenery. Anyway, I've said many times before that I usually eschew the idea that Jedi run around wearing robes and whatnot. That's kind of silly. They tend to wear utilitarian everyday clothes during utilitarian everyday activity. This means that my Jedi often look more like what people expect smugglers to look like. For that matter, all of my characters often look like that. I picked up this jacket on Ziost, although I've dyed it, and I now have another alternative that looks just like it but is wearable at level 10 from the Alliance crates from Heroics, so most of my characters can wear it, even on their starter planet (although not immediately.) The dye module is crafted, and my Sith Warrior is my Artifice character. This Jedi is actually my main Synthweaver. (Or more technically, his companions are. He puts those girls to work!)
I've played around with various things for my companions. Right now all of my girls are running around in slave girl Leia outfits of various colors, at least on my first wave of characters, although my second wave will not do that at all. I kind of like normal Kira, but this version has the yellow Sith eyes, so it's got a slightly exciting bad girl vibe to it.
Yeah, I don't care what you think about me putting all of the girls in slave girl dancer outfits either. Although I'll notice that a very large plurality of girl characters and companions that I see around in in the game are doing the same thing, so there's that. For whatever that's worth.
This is mostly a Sithy look, that I did as an experiment. I like it well enough that I haven't replaced it yet, but I don't know how well it fits this character. I also don't know that this is really the best mask for it, although it's the best mask that I have readily available, at least.
I did much of the story in this outfit after I hit max level (which, to be fair, I did sometime early in Chapter 2, so only a little past halfway.) For me, at least, it's kind of a classic look for Mark (or M'aar'k, or however exactly I had to spell him to get it to take) so I doubt I'll ever get rid of it.
This is just me trying out various pieces that I just bought kind of recently. It was a full outfit from Ossus, but I threw some Makeb pieces on there recently. This is an ephemeral outfit that will probably be one of the first to change once new pieces are available.
This was a kind of expensive chestpiece, but after I got it, I gradually liked it less. I recently rebuilt this with it, but I don't use it much and probably won't keep it long. I do really like the helmet, but I struggle to figure out what to pair it with, somehow.
Another one that I've had for quite some time, and I often use on a whim especially when doing the bounty hunter event grind. That's actually not the advanced slicer jacket, although I do have that in my collections; it's a crafted vandanite piece of armor with a dye module in it. Although this isn't really a very Jedi-ish outfit, even by my eclectic standards, I do kind of like this outfit. It's also a very expensive high level helmet, but again, I've got a level 10+ alternative that looks identical now from Alliance crates, so I can dress almost anyone like this.

Another outfit that I've had for some time and use when I need to be a bit fancy (like when talking to important people on Coruscant, or the entire time I'm on Alderaan, or whatever.) I don't actually love this and don't wear it much, but I also feel for some reason like I can't get rid of it either. That's also not the chest piece that it looks like it is, it's from the cheap adaptive armor vendor and has a dye in it. Back then, I had a lot less money and picking up a dye module was a big deal. I think that's why I'm a bit reluctant to let this one go.

Change of scenery; now I'm outside of town, but it's in the background. You can still see the big moon in the sky, and the lighting is still the same. Sigh. I got this shirt as a world drop fairly early, and thought it looked like a nice, fancy Jedi-ish "dress tunic" or something. It's another one that I don't necessary use all that often, but I consider it a "classic" for this particular character, so I doubt I'll get rid of it. The eyepiece that it comes with does, indeed, look a bit like a "men's tiara" but that's OK, as this character was the Alliance Commander, which was kind of sort of a rival to the Emperor of the entire Galaxy at one point, so a regal outfit isn't inappropriate for him.

A new one. At first, it was more Steadfast Master with the crafted dye, but once I reached Champion with Makeb and could buy the beret and ammo boots, I really kind of loved it. This is what I'm using frequently right now when I'm running around grinding heroics or reputation, or whatever else I'm doing with this character still. When the new story material drops, I'll probably use this one to play through it.
Of course, this character has long hair and a small Colonial style pony tail, and the beret, for whatever reason, gives him a shaved head appearance. That's OK. It's a different look, but it works for that hat.
Another slight change of scenery. The sunset lighting is really killing me on this planet, but I really like the look of this planet too. I'll need to go to a different one for my other character outfit screenshots, though.
This one is a pseudo-bounty hunter look again, based on trying out some pieces that I got which were new at the time, and throwing an old adaptive headpiece on it which I thought had an interesting look. I don't know that this will last forever in my rotation; probably not. But I like it for now.
As an aside, I often claim; almost brag, about the fact that although I couldn't even get a graphics cards to work in my current computer build, so I'm running the game without one, I rarely have any graphical issues even at a very high graphics standard, just slightly tweaked in a few customizations from Ultra. However, Onderon is one planet where I do get a fair bit of lag because of that. I recently changed the settings from 60 fps to 30 fps so I could do dailies a bit better there. To be honest, I'm not sure that I can actually notice the difference all that much, so I may either change it back anyway (it isn't really helping much with the lag) or just leave it because it doesn't seem like it matters all that much.)
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