Friday, February 04, 2022

Agent blew it

Well, I feel really stupid. I had a little bit of free time earlier this morning, so I played my Operative storyline for about half an hour... and forgot to hit record! Huge story developments (well, given the scope of things on Hutta they're huge, anyway) and I've got no recording of them! I feel pretty stupid.

I'm not quite sure how to proceed. It's still early enough; do I start over with another agent and delete this one? Or do I just patch it over? Sigh. I don't know. Maybe I just give up the whole thing. My recordings aren't super high quality because I don't have a graphics card. They look great while I'm playing, but they don't render well in the video editor afterwards. And I'm not doing any real editing of the videos other than cuts. Maybe I'm better off just grabbing someone else's archived version of the stories and saving them. SIGH! I was pretty excited about this project at one point, and I've had a number of setbacks that have made me less so as I've gone on. Now I've got characters that I'm not even sure if I want to play or not lined up still. Maybe I'm better off salvaging the credits that they have, deleting most of the characters and just playing what I want to play again, and not worrying so much about it. Maybe I'm better off, even, waiting until the update drops and creating characters that may or may not have matched story and mechanics; like a vanguard playing the bounty hunter story, for instance, or a gunslinger playing the agent story.

It's kinda funny that for whatever reason, its my Mirialan characters that are causing lots of trouble. Maybe I just have been playing them more, and that's why.

Anyway, here's a picture of my Mirialan agent in his updated Red Blade disguise while I think about how to handle. Yeah, I mean it's just the Red Scalene armor from the Gree event but with an eye patch because the helmet is kinda dumb.

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