Wednesday, August 17, 2022

The Waychester City Watch and the Lady's Outlaw Guard

I'd named Lucien Russo, but not given him an image. I'm really loving the Hero Forge library, because I can get a ton of material that requires relatively little effort on my part to make it usable. Someone else's city watch to start with, change a few colors, fix some proportions and face details, and BAM! Good to go with about ten minutes per character. If I have a really good model to start with, then the end result will be pretty awesome. Here's some of the City Watch, including Lucien himself, and three standard watchmen. I've also included two independent contractors. I'll come up with names for them later, although I may end up only having one instead of two. 

Lucien Russo, the vampire captain of the Watch

Three Watchmen from Waychester

Alright, and the two independent contractors. Bounty hunters, heavies, investigators, torturers; not entirely sure what role they will play quite yet. Probably some mixture of all of the above. I've got their newly christened names attached to each as well.

Blind Beckett

Germund de Bosque

Another column on the x5 for Chaos in Waychester was the Lady's Guard. Here's three standard troops from the guard, in their outlaw bandit versions, which is how we see them in this campaign.

A bigger "heavy" from the Lady's Guard.

And the Captain of the Lady's Guard, Marshal Hathawaye is running around like a Zorro-like vigilante in the city.

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