Saturday, July 27, 2024

Otto von Szell

I went back over the last couple of days and reread my old Cult of Undeath project from back when it was an attempt to synthesize and utilize Paizo's Carrion Crown adventure path. I discovered that I had had some pretty good ideas that I'd forgotten about, as well as having some good names. I came up with the name Konstantin Hmayak anew, but Otto von Szell was already the name I had in mind over many years, and I'm going to go back to it. Rather than being a somewhat hapless swampie voodoo witch doctor, he's an aristocratic Timischer modeled a bit more on the old Warhammer setting's infamous necromancer Heinrich Kemmler. He can still be hapless, to a point. But I'm officially scratching the Hmayak name and readopting von Szell into that role.

Here's a few sample images, before I decide what he most looks like. Most of them are pretty similar anyway. 

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