Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Other updates on review

So, a few other possible changes after reviewing my old Cult of Undeath material:

I created a secondary necromancer who isn't the main bad guy, Loriana Boztogonash. But I already had and had forgotten about Gregoru Stefanescu. I have images of a gypsy witch necromancer, but I'll save the Boztogonash name for later and rechristen her as Loriana Stefanescu.

I haven't decided on eyepatch or not, so here's a variant without.

I don't love the name Vyrko Lodge. Although I created it specifically for the earlier Cult of Undeath project, I'm either going to both rename and somewhat relocate it, or have a different one that's on the eastern edge of the Bitterwood called Preszov Lodge. This is part of my general shifting eastward of the whole Cult of Undeath. While ironically Timischburg was created specifically for Cult of Undeath, the new version of the campaign is taking place (mostly) in a kind of "culturo-tone" between Timischburg and the Hill Country. Anyway, here's the lodge, on a sunny day. The real action will probably be on cloudy nights, but I've images for that too... 

A cache of silver "ghostbusting" weapons is still the reward there and maybe even the incentive to go in the first place. 

In my old Cult of Undeath, von Lechfeld himself had created the flesh golem, but I'm not going to readopt that idea. Rather, he created the wards that could contain or even destroy one. Because he doesn't go to Mittermarkt much anymore, he's not going to be implicated. I'm not sure if I even need Ebenbach at all anymore. I'll need to noodle with this just a bit more.

The necromancy artifact that the cult murdered von Lechfeld in the first place is Pandallo's Preternatural Periapt. It can also suppress necromancy, which is what von Lechfeld used it for.

As soon as I find my art supplies, I intend to not only draw a second version of the whole setting in the red and black "Tolkien" style, but also draft the locations, more or less, for the campaign map, which will be slightly "distorted" from the setting map as it exists now. I can't do the whole final thing until I get the five fronts done. But this first one is starting to come together, sorta. And a working draft sketchy map wouldn't be a bad idea. 

Speaking of locations, here's Mittermarkt.

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