I've played quite a few planets with several characters now. Anstal Tane just finished Tatooine and is level 55 or 56. (I do still have the bonus series to do, though.) Taul Kajak is ready to go to Hoth and is level 71 or 72. Hutran Thanatos recently finished his gig altogether.
Those other two will relatively soon join Hutran in the "completed" category. I have a lot of other characters who are much less far along on their journey, and I have two open character slots. I'm thinking (and I know that this is crazy) about starting two other characters, in part because there are still a few races that I haven't used, including Rattataki, Twi'lek and Miraluka. I also never unlocked the cartel races; Cathar, Nautalan and Togruta. But I don't really like the aliens anyway; I like humans and near-humans; i.e., funny colored humans. But I've only used a few of those two; I've got a few cyborgs (although I usually forget that they're not just human), two Mirialans, two Sith, one Republic and one Imperial style Zabrak, and one Chiss. Oh, and one girl, heh heh.
In any case, as I'm looking over potential characters to still create, I'm noticing that I have relatively few force users. I just don't like them quite as much. I'm not counting my original run of characters; they're all mostly done with the main story, and I have little interest in doing too much with the expansion stories with any of them except for my first Jedi Knight, who's doing expansion duty for everyone mostly. I've even deleted two of them, my Inquisitor and Consular, because they didn't happen to have a unique maxed out crafting, so there was no reason to keep them. I'll probably eventually delete Thanatos too, when I've decided that I've done enough with him, and the rest of my next wave of characters. Or maybe I'll just buy a few more slots eventually.
But I decided to do an inventory of my characters by what is now called origin story. Most of my characters were created during Onslaught or earlier, so origin story also mandated mechanics. I've italicized all of the characters who've finished the main story, although some of them are still on Ilum, or otherwise on story that predates the first major expansion, Rise of the Hutt Cartel. I've also added my deleted characters in faded gray
Jedi Knight
- Maark (Guardian)
- Taul Kajak (Sentinel)
- Elemer Kell (Sentinel)
Jedi Consular
- Corinthion (Shadow)
- Gandalf Greyhame (Sorcerer)
Sith Warrior
- Mat Thew (Marauder)
- Phovos Maledict (Juggernaut)
Sith Inquisitor
- Actsion (Assassin)
- Revecca Arden (Sorceress)
- Luukke (Gunslinger)
- Anstal Tane (Scoundrel)
- Haul Romund (Mercenary)
- Gael Heckett (Powertech)
- Phillippion (Commando)
- Mirabeau Tane (Gunslinger)
- Codon Veile (Sniper)
Bounty Hunter
- Graggory (Powertech)
- Galation (Powertech)
- Vant Galaide (Mercenary)
- Wulf Hengest (Vanguard)
- Embric Stane (Mercenary)
- Beorn Hengest (Sniper)
- Johhn (Sniper)
- Hutran Thanatos (Operative)
- Vash Galaide (Powertech)
- Saxon Hettar (Gunslinger)
Just based on numbers, you'd think I need to play another inquistitor or consular, with the assassin or shadow mechanics. But, those are the characters that I have played and deleted, and all of my force users have used the second combat spec as either shadow or assassin so that they can sneak through trash mobs if I'm in the mood to do that. Plus, those are my least favorite stories, so I'm already doing them a second time as it is, I just don't have my original character still archived. Which is retrospect is kind of a shame, but if I hadn't deleted those two, I'd be out of slots right now. (Then again, slots are relatively cheap.)
I don't need to do another bounty hunter origin sory; I've got four of them still in play, one of whom I literally haven't even started yet. The other tech classes, I still have two of each in play. Although I never got around to deleting them, Hutran Thanatos, Embric Stane and Taul Kajak were "failed" recording characters. The thought was that I do delete them, but I decided to play through with them anyway.
I also have two Jedi Knights in play. That would suggest that maybe another Sith Warrior would be the obvious choice, but... I don't know that I need two of those in play right now.
I'd kind of like to do another scoundrel, with a different combat discipline this time (Anstal Tane is direct damage) or another operative with a different discipline (Hutran Thanatos is damage over time.) I don't think there's much need for healers or even tanks in solo play, but there's still another DPS spec on each that I could play. Although they're mirror images of each other.
But assuming I do either of those, which origin story should I play? I obviously don't need any of them, with at least two in play right now for each, and four in play for the bounty hunter (the one I need the least.) I already have an agent, a bounty hunter, and a smuggler that I literally have created but not actually played any story with yet. Maybe one more trooper with a rattataki? I'm still not sure how much I like the trooper storyline, but if I play the character as a somewhat cheeky James Bond type with General Garza as Judi Dench's M rather than as an actual soldier in a more traditional sense, it works quite a bit better for me.
We'll see. I probably won't actually decide and create any more characters until at least I've had a chance to finish off another few more characters. Taul Kajak and Anstal Tane are the closest to being done and moving into a semi-retired state, but that doesn't mean that they're that close. Sigh.
Here's one of the screenshots I took so I could make my list, showing off an interesting agent look for Johhn.

Maybe instead of adding slots, the solution is to finish playthroughs and delete unwanted characters. I know for sure that I'll delete Embric Stane, because I never actually intended to keep him anyway, and I'm only playing him through because I figured why not; I had him ready to go. Almost immediately I was unhappy with his design and I have Vant Galaide doing everything that Embric Stane was supposed to do. Galation and Graggory are also kind of redundant, but the reason I keep them both is because they are both maxed out crafters. I could, however, always advance someone else in Biochem, which I don't really care about that much anyway, and maybe Galation doesn't have to be kept forever anymore either. I do have a crystalline boltblaster MK-3 helmet that's a little difficult to replace, but I do have one spare lookalike in my legacy bank. It'll bind on equip, but someone else can still keep up that particular look even without Galation if I want. That would free up another slot, and frankly, leveling up a crafter on... I dunno, Hutran Thanatos or someone else that I'm more likely to want to keep because he's a truly unique spec on the mechanics for me at least would be nice.
In fact, I think I just talked myself into that right now. I double checked Galation's stuff; and other than that helmet, which I do have at least one replacement available for, there's nothing on him that is unique or that I'd miss if I deleted him. Plus, that first wave of names is super cringe and I don't like any of them. Getting rid of another of them isn't the worst thing ever...
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