Just a quick update on where I am today.
I haven't touched Taul Kajak in a few days, so he's still sitting in his original smuggler jacket outfit waiting to land on Voss at level 79. We'll get back to him soon, though. Anstal Tane has done some good work, finishing up Act I, finding Nok Drayen's treasure, and picking up Risha as an actual companion instead of just a parasite on his ship. Of course, before doing anything else, I flew to Ilum where most of the companion customizations can be bought and made her prettier. He's now level 64, and I did all of the little things that ended Act I and kicked off Act II, so I'm ready to travel to Balmorra with him next. Probably time for him to come back to the bench and let Vant Galaide start up again. Vant is level 45 and tearing through Nar Shaddaa, which is one of the funner planets. Although the Imperial planetary arc is hit or miss. The Shadow Syndicate stuff was kind of fun, but the Revanite mystery box is kind of stupid, and the bonus series out there in networkland isn't my favorite either.
I think both of them may be a little bit ahead of where Taul Kajak was in terms of level at the same point in the story, but I honestly don't remember for sure. I don't intend to do all of the faction stories with Anstal; once I hit max level, I'm cutting all of them and all exploration missions out, because I will have just done those with Taul. He'll focus solely on his own actual story. Which actually vastly improves the pacing and flow, but it moves a little faster than you'd probably want, I suppose.
I also have acquired a fair bit of new armors. Bold Hellion is one that I'd had my eye on a long time ago, and it's kind of cheap on the GTN right now, so I picked it up. That said, on a guy, it might look a little Village People and kind of gay; not sure yet. Vant is here sporting the main piece of it.
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Looks a little more gay on a guy than I hoped. I don't know how much I'll use this except on the girlfriend companions. |
In any case, Anstal's Risha is also wearing it, and I'll probably use it a fair bit for the girlfriend companions in general, as well as other pieces of it, like the pants, the gloves, the boots, etc. more generally.
I also got the Malgus Reborn set, which has some of the best heavy armor pieces out there, even though the main piece has a hooded cape. I can see myself using the gauntlets, legs and boots a lot when I want any kind of heavily armored set. In fact, I've already upgraded several outfits on several characters to use some of those pieces.
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Only the chestpiece is from Malgus, although the rest all fits pretty nicely too. |
As an aside, I also have the old Malgus suit, the tribal champion (kind of like that weird freckled girl from the Solo movie before she took of her mask and made everyone laugh. She was actually kind of cool before that.) And two separate wastelander sets, and several differently colored efficiency eye scanners. I've been holding out to unlock the collections, since they're all gold and unlocking them is grossly overpriced, but I've done a few and I'll use my monthly subscriber grant, security key grant, and even galactic seasons if needed to pick up the rest of them.
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For now, only Johhn can wear this, until I get a chance to unlock it. |
Once the three that I'm working the hardest on go into semi-retirement at max level and having finished the Corellia class story, I'll pick another three to move along with, probably two Imperials and a Republic, to mirror what I'm doing now. I'm thinking Vant's "brother" Vash Galaide, a Powertech Agent is a shoe-in and either Phovos Maledict or Revecca Arden, so I have a force user in the mix. Then Mirabeau Tane, a gunslinger doing the trooper story as a brash irregular in special forces will probably be the last one I add, to get a completely different story again.
After that, I think, although don't hold me to this this far out, Haul Romund, a mercenary smuggler, Wulf Hengest, a vanguard bounty hunter, and Elemer Kell, my other jedi sentinel of the Darth Maul zabrak race.
If that is what I end up doing, that will still leave me two more force users to do in the next two groups; the other sith that I didn't pick from above, and Gandalf Grayhame, the jedi consular using the lightning sorcerer mechanics. Hmm.. Actually, that suggests that maybe I should do Revecca first, so I don't have two characters with the same mechanics left to do as my only remaining force users.
Tech characters that still need to be done after that include Gael Heckett, the powertech smuggler cyborg, Beorn Hengest, the Republic-style zabrak sniper bounty hunter, Saxon Hettar, the Sith species gunfighter agent who looks a lot like Anstal with a haircut, Embric Stane, the "big boy" mercenary bounty hunter cyborg that I meant to delete but decided to go ahead and play after all, Codon Veile, the chiss sniper trooper, and Karr Tanus, the rattataki scoundrel trooper, and I've got two blank slots if I want them down the line. Lots of options, but if I'm not careful I'm either playing the same origin story or the same mechanics at the same time or back to back, both of which would be nice to avoid. So although I can't lock myself in to a plan that will literally take months, I can at least think about how to tackle them to avoid getting into a bind where I'm not getting the best mix that I could.
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