Tuesday, May 15, 2018

More sorting

I guess I fail the marshmallow test.  I'm thinking that since I'm trying to focus on groups of six megamixes, which I'll archive on CD-Rs for convenience, I'm thinking of instead of having a rolling +2 megamixes sorted, sorting a group of six and then letting it sit until I'm done, at which point I sort another six.  I've also changed my spreadsheet so that instead of a single tab for each megamix (which was already starting to get cumbersome with just eight of them) I've got six on a tab. 

It's overkill, because it's not like I can do these that fast.  If I do two of them a week, that's really good.  But it's killing me wanting to know what's going to come up.  Sad, I know.  Self-control is not one of my people's historical strong suits.  But even if I am just rationalizing what I want to do anyway, there is some sensible backstory to doing it that way, and it will make my tabs look a lot nicer to be filled out.

Anyway, if I decide to go forward with this, I'll at least wait until I finish adding the songs I currently have waiting, so that my Tankis & Savietto, and Max Savietto, and Paul Maddox, and Push and Pump Panel Reconstruction (yes, I should have added those Blade songs already, but for some reason I hadn't.  I just picked up the remastered versions) and the Phô songs.  Not all of them will necessarily make the cut, but I'm sure many of them will.  Once they're all in, I might sort the next four that will complete my 6-megamix set, and then if I do that, I'll probably edit this post to add them in rather than write up a new one.

As an aside; why in the world did I not have these Max Savietto songs already?  I had two versions of "Alone"—the Original and Sa.Vee.Oh remixes—but that's all I had.  "Pleasuredome" and "Nightly" in particular are kicking my butt pretty hard, and I'm really wondering why I didn't get them a long time ago.

Same thing with "Andromeda" and "Semiramide" by Tankis & Savietto.  And I already had MST's one song in both versions.  I should double check that there's not some glaring miss on Sa.Vee.Oh in my collection, because clearly Mr. Savietto does work that I really like.

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