Tuesday, March 04, 2025


Work is crazy this morning. The tariffs went into effect effective today after all, in spite of my hopes that Mexico et al would come to an agreement with the administration. Specifically because... I do Procurement professionally and because everything that I buy currently is pretty labor intensive, it's all located in the maquiladora region of Mexico. While I'm in support of the tariffs, and recognize that after China, Mexico is the country that will most lose if it engages in a trade war with the US; they simply absolutely cannot afford to do so because of the value of the trade deficit.

That said, just because I'm in favor of the tariff strategy from a big picture standpoint, it is certainly a major headache for my current work situation. One guy, who clearly isn't an economist, is really dropping a lot of passive aggressive crap in our group IM. It's been hard to ignore it, but that's the best approach. At his age in his 60s, he's not going to be interested in a dialectical discussion about it. He just clearly wants to snipe at the Trump administration, as if people agree with him. And maybe most people do, I don't know. I certainly know that I don't. I'm willing to put up with some frustration at work for long term benefit for my country, my people and my posterity. Putting Mexico in its place is one of the most important foreign policy initiatives that America can do; they've been waging de facto war and invasion against us for decades.

So, instead I'll leave with a portion of the Z-man's latest post for the day.
[I]it is fair to wonder if what we are seeing and have been seeing for the last few decades is the death of the last remaining ideology, progressivism. Populism seems to be an end of cycle phenomenon. It is, after all, a disorganized revolt against the current order, which has reached its maturity and is entering decline. What follows a populist uprising is either a replacement of the old order, a reform that replaces the old elite or a reform effort by the elites themselves.

The assault on the Blob by the Trump administration, led by Elon Musk, is clearly an assault on the old managerial order. Elon Musk is the face of the new technological elite, so it is fitting that he is the point man for this task. Managerialism is the traveling partner of ideology. It was a feature of both fascism and communism. Its looming demise at the hands of the Trump administration, which was powered by a populist uprising against it, fits the historical pattern.

Progressivism has had a long run, but for most of the 20th century it served as a bulwark against fascism and then communism. Its social reforms stopped making any sense by the latter half of the 20th century and either disappeared from the agenda entirely or morphed into bizarre sexual fetishes. Its main reason to exist was to fight communism, but once communism was gone, it was left without a devil, so it has gone insane over the last decades in search of Old Scratch.

The populism that brought Trump to the White House in 2016, sustained him in his wilderness years and then returned him the White House was driven by the excesses and insanity of progressives. Populism is usually framed as the people versus elites, but in this case, it was normal people versus crazy people. The best way to describe the first weeks of the Trump administration is the return of normalcy, unless you are a member of the hive we call the left.

In the fullness of time, what this period may be known for is the death of the last ideology, knocked off by the same forces that spawned it. American populism has always been a check on the excesses of the elite, not as a physical or even political force, but as a cultural force. Ideology is always about changing culture, so it is ironic that the last ideology will be vanquished by a cultural phenomenon. The ghost of the People’s Party has finally called progressivism home.

Also, how about this?


Wouldn't it be interesting if it turns out that they're Mexicans? Or Israelis? Who are your friends, and who has been waging covert war against you while pretending to be your friend, and guilt tripping you anytime you get close to noticing?

And how about this?


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