Friday, December 23, 2022

Dark Fantasy X Update

A couple of weeks ago, I ordered up a printing of Dark Fantasy X. It showed up just a day or two ago. I've been re-reading it, now that it's a physical copy, and... well, I'm not entirely happy. For one thing, although the printing cost about $20 (when shipping was factored in, at least) it's not a great print or binding job. I'm also not as happy with the landscape format as I'd thought. I knew that that was becoming trendy, but I imagine that's for pdfs that are being read on a landscape screen. Where, admittedly, it's pretty convenient. 

I caught an error or two, and I've changed my mind about a few other minor details. I'm not sad that I went ahead and got this printing, but I imagine that I might well do a 1.2.1 now, revert to profile view, and print like normal, and just put it in clear plastic report covers/holders like you can buy in any office supplies section of any store that sells office supplies.

Sigh. It's always something. Some of the things I've changed my mind about, however, aren't necessarily changes to the rules (although some are), but some are changes to how I'd run. They're best described in a one or two page add-on for house-rules and guide for running the game. This could include my hit points to hits short-cut, which I think is better described as an optional GM shortcut rather than an actual rule change. A few others would actually include changes to the rules. In at least two cases, it's a trimming of some non-essential fat and taking stuff out of the rules and leaving them to GM interpretation (like spell duration, and monster/foe ability scores, and a few minor details like that. I want to clarify a few unclear things about spellcasting, and put the natural 1 rules in—although again, whether that's a rule-rule, or a house-rule I'm not sure yet. 

Anyway, while it was a nice effort, it looks like I not only went to the wrong source for printing, and got a product that I wasn't 100% thrilled with, but I also jumped the gun and tried to do it a little bit too soon; by the time it got to my house, I'd already thought of changes I wanted to make. 

Which is easier to do, I should admit, when I'm not actively running the game. So that would be the ideal way to stop the churn; actually put it into use, then I'd feel much more compelled to run with the rules as they're printed rather than continue to tinker with them. 

Anyway, the coming weekend is the Christmas holiday, of course, so I'm not sure that I'll be sitting down to make these changes then. Then I have family coming into town, and then my daughter's wedding at the end of the next week after that. This may not be imminent, but it'll be soon.

UPDATE: Huh. Those pillows are in worse shape than I thought. To be fair, this loveseat in the basement has been temporarily the storage platform for a bunch of stuff that we gave away to Salvation Army just last week.

Anyway, I've updated the file. I'll print some and put them in clear report cover folders, as mentioned above.

Here it is.

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