Friday, July 22, 2022

Leo Tolstoy - Based (sometimes)

While trying to verify if a quote I saw actually did come from Leo Tolstoy, I found the following quotes, which includes the one I was looking up, which I think are quite profound. 

I also found a bunch of garbage, but that's OK. That doesn't mitigate the wisdom in these quotes.

"Everything thinks of changing the world, but nobody thinks of changing himself." (the fatal flaw of leftists and Yankee totalitarians since at least the time of the English Civil War.

"It's amazing how complete is the delusion that beauty is goodness." (for you binary thinkers out there, that doesn't mean that beauty is evil or that ugliness is goodness, though.)

"History would be a wonderful thing if it were only true." (fake news was just the beginning. Wait'l you get a load of fake history and fake science.)

"It is no sin to look at a nice girl." (I just threw that one in for fun. He really did say that, though.)

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