I've got a lot of movies to edit and post of playing that I've done recently. I'll try to do some of that this afternoon. Before that, though--I have a slow work afternoon with no meetings and few urgent tasks; an unusual situation in itself, but that's coupled with cool but bright, sunny weather, which is also rare in my neck of the woods (I read somewhere that we're the 5th cloudiest state in the Union. I don't know if that's really true, but it certainly seems believable.) So first, I'll probably take a slightly longer than normal "lunch break" and go for a walk in the neighborhood, and then edit some videos on the side while completing some less urgent but still nice to get done work tasks. And then I'll have to mow the lawn for the first time this season this evening too. Also; first year with no teenagers at home. I'm glad I didn't have more and heavier snow to shovel this winter. It was certainly cold enough and long enough.
Anyway, I think it's important to keep a running tracker of my progress so I don't "slip up" and do something screwy with my characters. First off, I have a number of "finished" characters, and by finished, I mean that they've finished their class stories and with one exception, they are all max level and wearing the 320 level conquest gear. This doesn't mean that I don't play them anymore; all of them are useful for various grinding exercises, and all of them are crafters or at least gatherers of one sort or another. I'll not mention them. This includes J'ohhn, M'aar'k, M'at Thew, Lu'ukke, Galat'ion, Graggory and Phillip'ion.
I also have a few characters that I'm not done with their class story (in one case, haven't even started) but I don't intend to track their progress or record it, so it doesn't matter. This includes Hutran Thanatos and Embric Stane.
So of the characters who are left still, where are they and who's next?
- Vant Galaide, bounty hunter (mercenary): Recently finished Dromund Kaas with him and picked up his space ship.
- Anstal Tane, smuggler (scoundrel): Somewhat less recently finished Coruscant with him, so he's in exactly the same place as Vant.
- Revecca Arden, sith inquisitor (sorcerer) just finished Black Talon and arrived on Dromund Kaas. The most recently done, so I'm ready to rotate her to the back burner for a couple of weeks, probably.
- Elemer Kell, Jedi Knight (Sentinel) same place as Vant and Anstal, but he arrived there first, so he'll come up "due" sooner.
- Taul Kajak, also Jedi Knight (Sentinel) but he's just arrived on Coruscant, so he's further behind. Even though he started first.
- Vash Galaide, agent (powertech) the first of my "mismatched" origin and mechanics characters, and the most advanced; he's just arrived on Dromund Kaas
- Haul Romund, although I'm doing a smuggler story with Anstal, I've also created this guy, using the mercenary mechanics, so he's another "mismatch." Really haven't started him, although I've done some running around grinding before starting, so he's already level 11.
- Wulf Hengest is in the exact same position as Haul, although he's a bounty hunter story using the vanguard mechanics and a bowcaster as his signature weapon.
- TBD Sith Warrior, probably Juggernaut class. I haven't yet created this character, because I didn't like the Sith Warrior that I did create and start, Phovos Mal. I might see if I can't re-use that name, or one very similar for him, though. I had also started a Jedi consular, Codon Veile, and a vanguard trooper, Osan Galaide (yes, I used that last name again) although I deleted them too and don't think I care about doing either of those classes anytime soon, because I enjoy those stories a bit less than the others.
I recently read another article that gives a different ranking for cloudiness. But we're still in the top 10 cloudiest states. And it's not something like the PNW rain of Oregon, Washington and Alaska, with sunnier interiors, either. The whole place is just freaking cloudy and wet all the time, it feels like.
Between 65 and 75 clear days a year, it says. Ugh. I'm ready to move.
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