Thursday, January 27, 2022

Star Wars Barbie Dolls

Sometimes people who are into trying to create the perfect look for their SWTOR characters are accused of playing Star Wars Barbie Dolls. That's not... entirely without merit, even if I am one of the aforementioned.

For those who like it, here's some Scandinavian or German nerdy dude's video series about creating iconic archetypal Star Wars looks in SWTOR.

Admittedly; maybe some of the looks are a bit more iconic and archetypal than others. But it's the thought that counts.

By the way, I finished my Tython playthrough with my "Darth Maul's teenaged younger brother" looking Jedi Sentinel. I'm going to step aside from him for a little bit and do some of the other characters' starting planets now.

Be sure and read the commentary for each video too. It's brief.

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