Monday, September 20, 2021

Thinking thoughts

I'm considering a very radical notion. Part of it is that this blog has become a bit scattershot, and I don't routinely talk about the actual topic that I originally designed it for (my own very rambly personality is partly to blame here and that won't change no matter what I do). Also, the title is kind of obsolete, and for many years now I've felt a bit "saddled" with an obsolete title that I had to keep using because I had it.

Of course, that's not literally true. Both of those problems have solutions, but they are rather radical. What is the solution to them? Here's a few ideas:

-- Create a new blog for my gaming interests, and leave this blog up for all of my other interests that are not already better represented by one of my other blogs. The more blogs I have, the more each one can be focused on a single topic, or related family of topics. Of course, the more blogs I have the less attention each of them gets individually. Many blogs will only ever have updates on a semi-regular basis as my rotating interest comes around to wanting to talk about that topic again, and then will go back to "sleep" for months at a time.

-- Rename this blog, and change the blog address. Blogger allows for this. This solves the second problem better than the first, but as noted above, solving the first problem introduces another problem that's probably just as thorny in its own right. A related problem is when I have short "twitter" like or random topics on my mind that don't really belong to any blog; they have to go somewhere which probably lowers the quality and focus of any of the blogs that I allow this to happen to.

-- Maybe some combination of the two; rename this blog so I can get rid of the legacy title that no longer has the same meaning to me, and also create more blogs to have more narrower focus. One topic that probably merits its own blog because I talk about it often enough that it will likely have more activity from me than some of my other existing separate blogs is the combined discussions on archaeology, linguistics, and archaeogenetics related to the Indo-Europeans, their origins and dispersals. This option, for example means creating at least one more additional blog, and then also renaming this blog. It also means keeping a tighter focus. I often allow myself to blog here on topics that probably belong more honestly to another blog, but I sometimes just get lazy and don't "blog hop" as much as I should.

The problem with any of these? I lose traffic and visibility. The solution? I'm doing this for my own benefit more like a journal that happens to be publicly available to anyone who wants to read it, but it's not actually meant for public consumption. So why do I care about traffic and visibility? How about just don't actually care, and do what you want to do because you want to do it, and the rest of the world can go jump in a lake? I already don't care very much, so that's not really such a radical state for me.

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