Hex Location: 1624
Star Type: Single star G2 IV
Number of Worlds: 13
Gas Giants: 4
Planetoid Belt: Kuiper belt and 2 asteroid belts
Starport Type: B High class starport
World Size: Earth-sized
Atmosphere Type: Dangerous; immediate and life-threatening poisonous
Surface Water: 25%
Population: Small settlements, 400,000
Political Affiliation: Dhangetan Cartel
Tags: Radioactive world, Oceanic cities, Forbidden technology
Notes: There are relatively few Dhangetans who dabble in weapons of mass destruction, or other openly militaristic pursuits, but Sumuzuu bucks the trend, and risks attention on his world and on the Cartel overall that many of his compatriots are not happy with. Officially he doesn't, but when he had a major industrial accident ninety years ago that contaminated his entire planet, he couldn't pretend anymore that he wasn't.
Luckily for Moise, its system is considerably world rich, and Moise itself has a Garden Moon where food is harvested. And the population is relatively low regardless. But on the main planet, abandoned cities and research stations sit in the radioactive, blasted lands—the population that used to live here that didn't flee the system altogether had to relocate to underwater cities (in spite of the relatively dry nature of the world) using the water as a shield from the radiation. Many have wondered by Sumuzuu didn't move his entire operations to another planet, and certainly many of the independent hangers-on that Dhangetan worlds tend to attract did indeed do exactly that, however most who did either eventually moved back, or left the system entirely. Moise is a rather depopulate system for a Dhangetan system with so many worlds and relatively untapped resources, although the censuses that occasionally someone tries to make of the area no doubt do not count rather large multitudes of transients who are passing through. Many do not even approach the main radioactive world at all, and Sumuzuu has recently started sponsoring tourism to some of the more beautiful planets in his system, although this is still a very new venture.
Rumors nearby suggest that Sumuzuu was actually working in concert with the Cartel Council, and he stays where he is because they're still working on some kind of forbidden technology on the planet, although these conspiracy theorists are unable to agree on the nature of this technology. It is true that sometimes Dhangetan slave ships from other systems land here and when the slaves leave a few months later, they have been turned into strange cyborgs with a third eye in their forehead that seems to give them some kind of prescient consciousness or somesuch—but whatever it is that the Dhangetans are actually up to on Moise, they keep it very quiet.
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