Saturday, January 04, 2025

Updates to DFX, Appendix and Character Sheet

All three documents have had some minor changes. Some of it is merely cosmetic; this is the only change to the character sheet, for instance. But both the rules and the appendix got another editing pass, and some errors were corrected, and a few other things were reworded to be more clear.

And just so this isn't just links to an ephemeral version of the game (not that I have any intention of making any more modifications anymore; and I haven't for a long time. This is probably pretty stable now), here's a picture or two just for fun, from my AI DFX collection.

Dark Fantasy X Rules

Dark Fantasy X Appendix

Dark Fantasy X Character Sheet

An alternative to the cover art

Alpon von Lechfeld, in his study (above) and his lab (below)

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