Remember that with the Last Jedi, the shill media had a score in the 95+ percentile. The audience reaction was in the 30s until Rotten Tomatoes purged tons of reviews, because they themselves are shills, and they used the dishonest narratives of Russian bots, and alt-right trolls, and crap like that to purge tons of reviews. (In spite of that, it's still in the mid-40s. Dishonestly high, compared to reality, but not high.)
The early reviews for Rise of the Skywalker are low. Mid-50s low. More reviews are coming in, and the shills are helping that to rise, but it's still not good. This screenshot says 56%, but the most recent one I saw was 62%. That'll probably continue to climb over the next few days.
And although I don't trust that the audience score won't be manipulated by positive bots and Disney shills, it'll still be low too.
Either way, this is a confirmed dumpster fire. It might even be worse than The Last Jedi, although that would be shocking, given the last minute desperate reshoots and cuts done to eliminate the worst aspects of their original cut. I almost wish we could have just seen Jar Jar Abrams' and Kray Kray Kathy's original vision, just to see how badly they could ruin the franchise, and make sure that neither of them ever work in Hollywood ever again, but instead, we get watered down suck. So not only is the movie not going to be good enough to please anyone, but it's not even going to suck enough to become a spectacle of badness either. It's just... bleagh.
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