Women—especially feminists, but to a lesser degree most normal, reasonably mentally and emotionally healthy women too (with the caveat that we still have those in Western civilization, although they're admittedly much harder to find than they used to be)—are rarely built from a psychological standpoint to seize power and influence and build things on their own. In general, there are two ways that they can take power from men 1) using the ersatz daddy-figure of big government bureaucracy, and 2) using their sex appeal. 1) is sadly still going very strong in our society, making us a gynocracy in which men are essentially oppressed, and that's not likely to change until our society collapses under its own bloated weight, but women jealously guard 2). Which is why this app is so. freakin'. triggering. Loud'n'proud feminists who 48 hours ago were posting hashtags like #MasculinitySoFragile and #MaleTears are now bitterly screaming, screeching and crying to SHUT IT ALL DOWN BEFORE SOMEONE SEES ME WITHOUT MY MAKE-UP! Also; OMG, the RUSSIANS have hacked my face!!!
That is the real reveal; take off the make-up of feminine privilege and what do you get? Mostly, a bunch of spoiled, entitled thots scampering like cockroaches for the safety of the darkness. One very astute post on the subject of MakeApp really sums it all up, doesn't it?
With any luck, it will also wake up at least a few of the betas and white-knights, who may find that not only is their endless and pathetic virtue-signaling not really getting them any closer to leaving the friendzone, but it's also misplaced on an ugly hag who doesn't deserve the attention anyway. Because that's the thing; the curious thing about the app is that it doesn't really make actually attractive women much less attractive. Sure, it'll magnify anything that looks like a blemish into something, it'll take away exaggerated eyelashes and shadows around your eyes (even if you naturally have them) but honestly pretty girls are still pretty. It also doesn't really make much difference on men, unless they're soy-boy fruits.
Anyway; check out the tags. They're hilarious. Of course, it didn't take long before we started getting into Fake MakeApps, and many of those were pretty funny too. Here's a few of my favorites...
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