Friday, February 07, 2025

YouTube and channels

I've been doing a lot more with my YouTube channel, darkfantasygamerx, than with this blog. Which is OK. I enjoy doing YouTube. It's a new expression of my hobby. I do it for myself. This is good. I can't do it as a living, certainly, or even as a side-gig. I simply couldn't enjoy it if I were chasing views and click-through.

I do notice one interesting thing, however. I post videos under the DarkFantasyGamerX channel, because that's what it's most for, but for a variety of unimportant reasons, I mostly browse YouTube from a different channel, that I created for something that I don't use anymore. All of my watch history, my comments, etc. are on that channel instead, so I don't really even log on to DarkFantsyGamerX on Youtube itself, although it's my default on the YouTube Studio app, where I upload my new videos. One side effect of this is that it's simply too inconvenient for me to care to interact with commenters, of which I'm starting to occasionally get a few. However, this is probably good. Most of the comments are really, really dumb. They either say something that's a complete non sequitur, or shows that they literally didn't understand or even watch the video. And then I have guys who complain about the video or audio. Probably well-meaning, or at least reasonably so, but I don't care. So I have nothing to say to these people anyway. (I did go out of my way to correct they guy who thought he was correcting me on black people being soccer hooligans or speaking with a Cockney accent, because WTF dude. That was probably a mistake.)

People are the worst. I don't like people. Most people are kind of stupid, or narcissistic. Comments sections on YouTube are the worst. There's little to be gained from interacting with people.

My orcs controversy is my most popular one right now. That's not surprising. It was a topical topic, and that's part of the reason I recorded the video. I've done two others since then that have had much smaller impact. Back to normal.

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