For the heckuvit, while I was listening to a meeting on mute where they were talking about some stuff that didn't pertain to me, I listened with half or more of an ear, and spent a little portion of my brain on my other computer, taking snapshots of all of my characters from the character select screen. All of these are showing the last outfit that they were wearing; sometimes that's because that's appropriate to where they are, sometimes it's because I was meddling with an outfit, and just left it on the one I was messing with. I also have two bonuses, because there are two characters that I happened to have already taken another similar screenshot with another outfit, but never posted them. There's no reason not to do that here as part of this series, right?
Either way, with some rudimentary commentary:
Gael Heckett is a Powertech playing the Smuggler story. I actually have just started him; he's still on the first mission on Ord Mantell and Skavak hasn't even stolen his ship yet. Gael is one of the characters for which I have a unique outfit for each of the main planets on the main story. This is his Hoth outfit, which I guess I was just creating at the time I took this screenshot. Below is his Ord Mantell outfit, which is a very classic SWTOR smuggler look. |
Johhn, enjoying his retirement as a Sniper for Imperial Intelligence posing as a droid. An outfit that I made just because... well, why not? It's a pretty unique look, right? John is also my cybertech crafter, and by default my banker, because cybertech is the only crafting skill that I've been successful in monetizing. |
Maark is probably my most iconic character, because he's the Jedi Knight that I first completed the story with, and the Jedi Knight is the most iconic character. As an aside, this view sometimes doesn't work right; if your pants aren't color matched in the game, they usually are in this view. His pants are actually dark gray like his gloves. As an aside, I dislike Jedi in brown robes. That was clearly meant to be Obiwan dressing like the Tatooine natives; Uncle Owen dressed like a Jedi Knight too, when Lucas decided in the prequels to make Obiwan's Tatooine peasant outfit the iconic Jedi look. My Jedi rarely are dressed like that. Maark is also my synthweaving crafter. |
One of Johhn's winter looks. It's also a bit unusual, because you don't need a winter coat all that often, but it's still a little less esoteric than his droid look above. |
Mat Thew in one of his iconic outfits that I actually did the Sith Warrior playthrough with. I did upgrade the helmet, however. I love the gold plating on this armor, though. Mat Threw is also my artifice crafter. Although he's made a few lightsabers and stuff, I mostly keep him and his crew busy making dye modules and color crystals. Especially dye modules, because I use those things like they're going out of style. |
Luukke, my iconic original smuggler, dressed in a very iconic smuggler get-up. Luukke is also my armstech crafter, and I like to make a full suite of firearms for my newer characters during their playthrough so they can always have the most up-to-date crafted armaments in their kit until they get to level 80 and go buy the noble decurion stuff. |
Taul Kajak, my Sentinel Jedi Knight, who I'm actually playing through quite a bit right now. He's in a black ops outfit, which is appropriate I think, since I'm sneaking around doing all those kinds of black ops stuff on Balmorra right now. |
Hutran Thanatos enjoying his first few days of retirement in a casual Han Solo looking get-up. His pants are actually tan, but see the disclaimer about this character select screen and pants above. |
Beorn Hengest. Although it's usually spelled Hengist, Hengest would also be correct for my character to be Anglo-Saxon for "bear stallion." He's a sniper bounty hunter on Hutta, and this is his Hutta outfit, which is deliberately kind of barbaric. |
Gael from above in his Ord Mantell outfit. |
Vant Galaide. I don't really go in for the heavily armored bounty hunters, especially when they're mercenaries. I like to think of them more like space gunfighters from the Old West... but, y'know. In space. |
How's that for a Sith Warrior look? Phovos Maledict has some interesting looks, including one where he's a Saturday Night Fever space disco guy, but when I want to play him straight (no pun intended), this is one of my favorite of his outfits. |
Elemer Kell, my other sentinel Jedi Knight, who I thought was funny to make look quite a bit like Darth Maul, but, y'know, a good guy on the Jedi side of things. This is his "fringer" outfit, which I created for the bonus series on Taris, because I didn't really like my swamp camo oufti that he did the rest of the planet in. |
Saxon Hettar, a gunslinger playing the Agent story, in a regular uniform of sorts. I have a unique outfit for each planet for him too, but because he'll spend most of Hutta in his Red Blade costume, I actually decided to make this is Dromund Kaas outfit which he'll also wear on Hutta when he's not in disguise as the Red Blade. I haven't even started his story at all yet |
Codon Veile, a sniper trooper. I tend to play troopers as if they're more like James Bond and General Garza is Judi Dench's M rather than the oo-rah military type. They're much more independent and resist just doing things because they're told to. Plus, he's a Chiss. The name is recycled, though—at one point, I'd started briefly with a ratataki Jedi consular with this name, but I deleted him and made this guy instead. I'm not 100% sure what prompted me to make this Cad Bane inspired get-up, but I really like it. I even broke for a dye module on the GTN to get it the color I wanted. I'm not 100% sure I like the "ninja cowboy" hat; I may switch to a more regular cowboy version. Or maybe not. |
Mirabeau Tane, a cyborg gunslinger trooper, who I play the same way; he just looks different and has different mechanics. This is obviously a cold weather outfit, but I just finished Nar Shaddaa, so I don't need to wear it yet. I'm about to go to Tatooine, fer cryin' out loud. |
Anstal Tane (no relation) has worn his "space biker" look the entire time. He's a sith species scoundrel. I made him before 7.0 dropped, so story and mechanics were still bundled together at the time. I do have a Hoth outfit for him when he gets there, just so he doesn't look like he's too cold all the time. But I doubt I'll wear it anywhere other than Hoth and Ilum. |
Embric Stane, my only "big boy" character (the body type 2 is the only one that I really like, but this is the only one I could entertain doing otherwise.) He's got the same cyborg sunglasses look as Gael Heckett above. I had actually meant to delete him, but then I started playing him anyway, and decided what the heck; I'll keep going with him. Just finished Dromund Kaas in the last week. |
The oldest of my characters, Graggory, in a casual look. He's also got some armored Mandalorian-looking stuff going on, but like I said, I actually kind of like my characters with lighter rather than heavier armor. Graggory also is my armormech, although I don't use crafted armor as much as I use crafted guns. It's just too much trouble to make the full seven piece set for every level-up opportunity that a character would have. |
Revecca Arden (last name based on Flash Gordon's love interest) showing off her Hoth, Ilum and maybe Alderaan outfit, which is deliberately modeled on what Princess Leia wore when she was on Hoth in Empire Strikes Back. She's also my only girl character. |
Phillippion, my first trooper, and a commando. Also, I keep him around because he's a slicer crew skill specialist. He's the only one of my OG characters that I still have where I haven't quite got him to level 80 yet. I should probably just grind a few Heroics and get him done. He is 79 after all. |
Vash Galaide, possibly related to Vant (brothers?) a powertech playing as an agent, in his iconic, original outfit. I found a black/black dye module for cheap on the GTN at one point, and held on to it for months until I created him. What a great agent outfit. I can't take credit for it; I saw someone else do it first, but it's just really quite brilliant. |
Wulf Hengest (also no relation), another bounty hunter but as a vanguard. His iconic weapon for all but one of his outfits is a bowcaster that I got from the bounty hunter guys. He's got a lot of different looks, but they all kind of tend to have a similar light armor look to them. |
Gändalf Greyhame, the only character where I had to make a concession on the name and use a special character. Sigh. Usually I won't type it, though. Obviously, he's supposed to look like an old wizard. Sadly, there is no hat in the game that looks anything at all like a wizard's hat. The choice of robe might have been kind of iffy too. And he does still wear pants. |
Haul Romund, who has now become my most iconic smuggler who's still unretired, in spite of actually being a mercenary. This is just what the smuggler looks like to me. |
Galation, another older bounty hunter, and one who is my biochem crew skill crafter, which is probably the crew skill that I use the absolute least. I do tend to put him in heavier armor than just about any other of my characters, except Phillippion. |
I've got two slots left, and may yet buy a couple more. I really love playing the tech classes, as you can see by how many smugglers, bounty hunters, agents and even troopers stories I have ongoing, but maybe I need another sith warrior, sith inquisitor or jedi consular; the three classes that clearly I have the least of.
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