Wednesday, June 07, 2023

Dark Fantasy X updates

New version of the game, and new character sheet. Ready to roll!

Now that I've got this done, I should redo my characters; both my pseudo-characters (the fantasy Scooby gang) and the first iconics group. Then I still need to do my campaign map (based on the setting "master" map) and I'm ready to roll. I could literally start running this in a couple of days, and once those two minor tasks are done, I could literally start running it right now.

I will note that the spell list is a bit shorter. However, because just about any OSR game will have spells that are almost identical in their format, you can find anything you need in a ton of free products if you're interested; my first pass at spells was taken from Microlite74, but Swords & Wizardry, Basic Fantasy, or any number of other products would give you the same result if you're looking for more spells to add to the list.

Here's a few Hero Forge images so that this isn't just a short list of links. These are actually not Dark Fantasy X related characters, but still.

Allustan and Eligos; two friendly wizards from the Age of Worms adventure path.

A Moon Knight like costume, but with a big ax, because that's better than just fighting with your fists or your superpowers, or whatever.

For the heckuvit, some post-apocalyptic characters.

And finally, a Red Wizard of Thay.

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