Well... real life has been very busy, although that's not meant to be taken in a bad way. It's been busy with tedious busy work at work, and it's been busy with great news with regards to family, friends, and my social life in general. All in all I can't complain except that I haven't done what I hoped to to finalize Chaos in Waychester. Which really means, finalizing my edits to the Dark Fantasy X game in general, so that I can redo the iconic characters, and the pseudo-characters that I'm to let the PCs start with. I should also probably give some thought to what players can do if their PCs are killed at various points in the game. I like the idea of just having them make a backup from the get-go and keep the backup at the same level as the main character. If the main dies, the backup slots nicely into place, and the PCs can make a new backup between then and the next session. But I might want to keep a few NPCs around handy just in case they need to slot into the game in a pinch. To that end, I'm going to go through my Chaos in Waychester folder of Hero Forge images and see if any jump out at me. I'm going to include all of them, even those who I know for certain cannot possibly be PCs in any way whatsoever, just to include all of my images in one post. I've redone or issued revised images of a few of them, so I want to show them off too.
My tweaking of the iconic groups has also left me with an abundance of iconics. Since I had decided that group one was to be featured for Chaos in Waychester, and group two in Cult of Undeath, I've since decided that the two groups need to be merged, and the "ancillary" members of the group, that I hadn't spent as much time developing, would become backup. However, in the Chaos in Waychester 5x5 character extension, I only did the original group one, the characters of group two will have to wait until the Cult of Undeath 5x5 gets going. Nonetheless, their images will appear below as well. In fact, I'm just going to grab the entire Chaos in Waychester Hero Forge folder, even though it's no fewer than 74 images, and post them all here in this post, which will then also be a useful archive for when I want access to the images online, with minor commentary in the captions. Buckle up. This is a lot of images. I'll keep them a little smaller than normal to keep the post from going crazy.
Alpon von Lechfeld, an important NPC advisor and a bridge to Cult of Undeath when I get there. |
Alys in her true form as a witch-wight. She could potentially be rejiggered as a PC replacement. |
Alys as she appears to those who can't see her true form. |
Ampelius Pictor, an important mid-stage villain |
Audrey Hardwicke, an important villain. |
An older model of Audrey, but I like the new one better. |
Balogh, the "orc hero" of the Southumbria x5 column, and a great potential replacement PC. |
Berold Geissfalk, a villain |
Bethan Argavad, a complicated character who's meant to be a villain, but under certain circumstances could potentially be a replacement PC. |
Blind Beckett, a villain about whom I've developed very little, so he's a blank slate right now. |
Cailin, a member of Iconic Group 2, and now of the merged Group 1. |
Captin Borus. Although I have a revised image, I think I prefer the original. He's likely to die, but if he doesn't, and if he gives up his career as a merchant-captain, he could potentially be a replacement NPC. Kind of long odds there, though. |
Captain Taurak, a villain |
Cesan Dughlas. A villain and a real creep, actually, who's only prevented from raping a teenaged girl by the presence of Balogh. Not replacement PC worthy, and hopefully they end up killing him, honestly. |
Charakez Rees and Kemish. Given that Shule, Kemish's brother, is unlikely to make the real cut into the game, the chances of the PCs meeting these guys is kind of slim. But if they do and need a replacement PC, either would work. |
A city guard veteran who's meant to be a counterpoint to the more corrupt Stasi-like guards. He could be a late game substitute. |
The aforementioned corrupted guards. There could be some good guys among them who'd step up and help the PCs by becoming one himelf. |
Cryn and Heren are meant to be more damsels in distress rather than heroes, but then, that's how Cailin started too, right? |
Daphne FitzBlake, an in-joke and pseudo-PC from the opening sequences of the 5x5. |
Dean Bannermane, an iconic from group 2 that I haven't spent any time at all figuring out yet. I'd see him as a replacement for a lost member of the new core group 1/2 merger. |
Eigyr Gwyn, a villain. |
Fredegar de Vend. Like Dean Bannermane above. |
Frederick von Johannes, like Daphne above. |
Gavin Shagford, like Frederick and Daphne. |
Germund du Bosque, a villain. The original model is below. I guess he could potentially rehabilate and become a replacement PC... maybe. |
Gnumus Silusus, a patron |
Gorthos, a monster/villain |
Gothbert Erhardt, an NPC. Things would have to go badly for him to consider giving up his role and becoming a replacement PC, but... never say never. Things do sometimes go very badly. |
Grigori Nicholas, a villain. His original model is below, and I might like it better. Haven't decided yet. |
Guarg Dreghu, a villain |
Guilbert du Vandes, a major villain |
Herne the Hunter, a supervillain. I like the revised model below better, though. Much more sinister. |
Jairan Neferkare the Soulless. Another supervillain. I actually think she's due for a remodel. |
Jareth Grym, a villain |
Joan Wilmere, a damsel in distress. She'd be an unlikely replacement NPC early on, but I could make it work if needed. |
Josephine du Vandes, a supervillain |
Kimnor Rugova, already an iconic PC |
Various members of the Lady's Guard. Although antagonists, they're not really villains, or at least it would take little to push them back into heroism and potential PCism. |
Lord Anstal Tane, a patron |
Lord-Captain Embric Stane, a patron |
Lucien Russo, a monster/villain |
Marshal Hathawaye, an antagonist and head of the Lady's Guard. He'd feel the betrayal of the Lady's true nature more than most, which could be an interest schwerpunkt to turn him into a PC. |
Master of the Pack, an early villain |
Merra Kuzalash, an anti-PC villainess who only makes a cameo appearance. |
Morcant Gunderic. Although in retirement, he's a former hero, and could become a replacement PC if needed. |
Morghox, a monster/villain |
Murchad Gibson, a villain |
Oisin Dughall, already an iconic PC |
Ragnar Clevenger, a dueteragonist and iconic PC |
Renwick Bennett, an early patron and potential villain depending on how the PCs play it. I'd love to expand his role, but I don't think he's PC material. |
Revecca von Lechfeld. Her importance in this 5x5 is low, but she's very important in the next one. |
"Scube", Gavin's animal companion. |
Shule, an iconic although the merger of the two groups puts him on the backburner. |
Sir Liamond Wreldane, a patron |
Stefan Clevenger, an iconic PC and protagonist character |
The Prophetess, a major villain |
Vaspar Oksandros, a villain |
Zelda du Velmois, a pseudo-PC like Daphne, Fred or Shaggy. |
UPDATE: I actually am missing a few characters, although character is maybe a strong word to describe these guys. Still, their images belong here too.
The Thing that du Vandes summons in the end game |
Ghouls from Burlharrow |
Ratlings and rat brutes from Burlharrow |
Thurses from the Thursewood
.png) |
Tazitta cultists, including a hoodoo witch doctor |