Friday, February 28, 2020

Friday Art Attack

T. rex was unusual in that it dominated the predator niche in the late Maastrichtian of North America to such a degree that different age sets actually occupied smaller and medium sized predator roles rather than there being other species in those roles as you'd expect. Here's an image of T. rex age sets, with the big mama-jama in the background obviously being the fully grown adult.

Tachiraptor chasing Laquintasaura in very early Jurassic Venezuela. Although here represented as looking very Coelophysis-like, it's not entirely clear that it did, especially with that very specific kink in the jaw. Tachiraptor is believed to be part of what was formerly a ghost lineage separating the Coelophysians, which belonged to the same "grade", but on the Averostran group.

Just cool fantasy; beautiful landscapes, and flying airships.

The other side of "nice scenery" when it comes to fantasy. Given that our own women in real life Western Civilization have become shrewish, shrieking harpies thanks to the toxic feminist ideology, for the most part, seeing feminine and beautiful women in fantasy is more appealing than ever.

Speaking of which, the Boris Vallejo cover art for Tarnsman of Gor. Gor, of course, has developed an infamous reputation as pseudo-pornographic misogynist whatever, but I've only ever read the first novel, back in the day when it was still readily available in paperback, and I thought it was just mostly a credible fake Barsoom. I actually highly recommend at least the first one. I actually trust at least some of the commentary that suggests that the series goes downhill pretty fast into silliness, although I'm obviously much less concerned about hand-wringing about misogyny, which I think is idiotic.

A highly stylized rendition of Tarzan and, I dunno—is that La? Whoever it is.

An old 3e image that is kinda stupid, but offers an interesting callback to the 1e PHB. Actually, that's the best thing the image has going for it by a long shot...

I never played it, but at least one of my sons was really into the first Destiny game for quite a while (he was keenly disappointed in the second one.) But whether you liked the game itself or not, you couldn't argue with the concept art, which was always phenomenal.

This techpriest is, I believe, part of some Black Library fiction cover art gallery.

The King in Yellow, with tentacles.

A ghoul? Skeleton? Zombie? Whatever, it's a cool image.

Frank Frazetta's classic cover art for the Doubleday double book which included the Gods of Mars and Warlord of Mars, books 2 and 3 of the Barsoom series.

Some concept art for the flawed but also fascinating Disney Black Hole movie. Made in the wake of Star Wars' success, it wasn't really the same kind of movie at all, but it's very definitely worth checking out if for some reason you never have.

I dunno. Cool image. Could be an Iron Kingdoms thing, but it could also just be a Russian dude with a cannon.

And some fan art of Gozer the Gozerian with her Keymaster and Gatekeeper in monstrous form.

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