Monday, September 16, 2019


I've got plenty of sets of dice.  I don't know why I still want more, but I do... anyway, here's some of the sets that I'd love to have, from Q-Workshop.

The green with bilious yellow markings STRANGE AEONS dice set is kinda half D&D, half Call of Cthulhu.  Should be right up my ally, right?

Actually, the yellow with green markings and scales from the SERPENT'S SKULL adventure path are probably among my very favorite ever published.  I really want these.

These black and glow-in-the-dark CALL OF CTHULHU dice are even better than the Strange Aeons ones, though.  In a pinch, I'd get these instead of those.  Although they cost twice as much.

The MASKS OF NYARLATHOTEP biege with red markings dice are also quite nice, and I do like bone-colored dice a lot, actually.  I have a set that's just regular black markings on bone coloration, but these are much prettier with very stylized markings.

Why do I like dice?  Well, I mean, every gamer likes dice, but given that I've already got at least a dozen sets, why do I want nearly half a dozen more? (I trimmed my firs list which had at least two more than what I ended up posting here.)  I dunno.  Can't help it.  I love 'em.

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