Monday, February 19, 2018

Isles of Terror

I admit that I'm struggling to feel motivated to do more with my new recalibration of the Serpent's Skull adventure path.  Without the need to have something runable right now, doing more than talking at very high level (which I've already done) about how I'd reassemble this material is difficult.  Given that my preferred method of running is to define very little beyond my immediate needs, and then play off of what the players bring to the table, it makes it hard to go beyond my immediate needs.

And given that my immediate needs would be hypothetical since I'm not actually running the game right now, I'm struggling to sit down and figure out what exactly I'd do with this stuff anyway.  I thought about coming up with a summary not unlike Chris Perkin's "Point of Origin" article from The DM Experience column, but honestly, I'm not feeling it.  I had thought when I started this that once I was done summarizing and evaluating all of the modules that doing something with them would be fun after it was over, but now I find that summarizing the modules, finding stuff in them (monsters, often) to convert to FANTASY HACK, and just discussing them "philosophically" is kind of fun in its own right.  Assembling them into something that I could use "off the shelf" for gaming right now is less fun than I expected, and sounds suspiciously like... work

Will it be enough for me to do these summaries, and then only do a single, rather short post that amounts to less than an 8x11 page worth of text talking very high level about how I might adopt the elements into actual play; meanwhile, pulling stuff (like snake-men, and having the setting development that came about because I tossed around where and why snake-men would be a good idea in the first place) out of the modules that ends up being useful for the development of the TIMISCHBURG setting?  Do I want to do this if that's all I'm doing with it?

Yeah, I think so.  For one thing, although The Serpent's Skull and The Carrion Crown were published adventure paths in their own right, naturally if I'm assembling my own material for my own use, I don't want to limit my palette to what's in those adventure paths only.  An element from somewhere else might fight perfectly alongside an element from an adventure path and then an element from another adventure path, and then something I made up whole-cloth.  This may sound like I'm punting a bit and trying to assemble a much bigger buffet before I get up to go eat, and... well, yeah, that is kind of what I'm doing.

This doesn't mean that I'm necessarily done with the ISLES OF TERROR tag.  I might yet think of more things to do, or be motivated to do things that I can think of now, even, in which I'll use the tag.  But it does mean that I'm not going to try and guilt myself into doing something hobby-related that I'm not feeling much at the moment.

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