Monday, December 11, 2017

(Sigh) Hopeless and hapless moderates

I've been banned from commenting three times in the last couple of months at Breitbart.  Not for saying anything that isn't untrue, or even readily documented.  For saying something that's too right wing for them.

They are especially hard on anyone who points out facts that call into question the Jewish narrative.

Well, yeah.  Modern Judaism is essentially the corruption of the Pharisees turned up to caricaturish levels.  The Talmud is little more than an exercise to excuse any form of exploitation (especially of the goyim) that Jewish elders wish, up to and including pedophilia. 

It gets difficult, especially in the wake of (((the Gropocaust))) to see the Judaic religion as anything other than a tribal supremacist cult.

How can you tell a lying moderate from someone who's actually on the Right? (I hesitate to even call them conservatives anymore, since the Conservative Brand has been so tarnished by losers who don't even attempt to "conserve" the little girls' room, much less anything else about Western civilization.)  Ask them if they support the same policy for Israel that they do for America.  Border wall?  Strictly controlled immigration?  Deportations of foreigners? Toleration of a foreign nation on our soil that refuses to respect the anthem or the flag?

If it's good enough for Israel, it's good enough for America.  If you think Israel can have it but America can't, get out and go home to Israel where your true loyalty obviously lies.

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