Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Another post-GenCon ramble

So... I made that ordered list a post or two ago, and it came out as flowers?! I like this skin, because it looks like an old time scroll or something, but that's pretty whack.

I was thinking about writing up a bit more detail about all the games I got to be in, but I'm not going to put that much effort into it, because I'm trying to keep up with post-GenCon craziness at Circvs Maximvs and get caught up with all the stuff that happened at work while I was away. Typing really long involved blog-posts would interfere with either of those goals.

Instead, I'll point you towards the HEX website. I didn't get this book, but I spent a fair amount of time (an hour or two?) looking at Corey's copy, and I went over with Corey to talk to Jeff Combos (President of Exile Games) for about ten minutes, and I'm very thoroughly impressed both by Combos and by the book. They deserve a look-see, and after winning the ENnie for best cover art, they seem to be getting a surge of some much-deserved attention from the RPG market at large.

Congrats, Jeff!

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