Monday, May 03, 2021

Mapmaker mapmaker

It's been a little while since I've talked about my setting and its map, but I did make a youtube video discussing it, which I thought I'd link. I actually just rewatched this earlier today, and doing so made me think... I need to revise it slightly again. A few changes I wanted to make are cosmetic, but others are a bit more substantive. An example of the former is that I dislike the marshmallow look of the Plateau of Leng. It needs to be less "squishy" looking, and the Vale of Pnath on top of it probably needs to look more like my sharp canyon or gorge visual. An example of the latter is that I want to have the coastline of Timischburg swell out and maybe eliminate Vampyr Bay altogether to give a bigger coastal plain territory so I can fit more of my older Timischburg territory on it without it feeling cramped or that I have to cut material because there just isn't space. I'd like to find a way to make Baal Hamazi a bit bigger too, and maybe more explicitly point ouf that the top section up there is part of Kurushat, which otherwise isn't labeled at all. Here's the map reproduced again.

Anyway, I'l also looking forward to doing what I initially intended to do, although in the video below I specifically seemed to be leaning towards not doing this; redrawing the map, incorporating these (and other) minor updates. Maybe I even do it as two maps; an eastern and a western half that would nominally be "attached" to each other. Although I don't love that, because it's hard create the seams in analog drawing. But it gives me more space, and there are things about the idea that I like. I dunno. I'll play around in my mind for a few days or weeks before deciding how to proceed.

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