Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Evil party and stupid party

M. Stanton Evans famously quipped, "We have two parties here, and only two. One is the evil party, and the other is the stupid party." Conservatives in particular love to quote that, without the rest of the quote (which I'll include below.) In reality that's not true of course. Both parties are equally evil, it's just that the Democrats have become the aggressive, tyrannical, fascist type of evil, and the Republicans have become the lying, stab-you-in-the-back cowardly type of evil. How can it be otherwise when they both pursue the same ends? Republicans are just a safety valve for normal people's frustration. When the Democrats are too crazy, even centrists and independents will vote for Republicans, only to see the crazy Democrat scheme enacted regardless.

Given this pattern, the Z-man makes the following interesting observation: "Stanton Evans famously quipped 'We have two parties here, and only two. One is the evil party, and the other is the stupid party.' Ever since it has been assumed that the Democrats are the evil party and the Republicans the stupid party. The truth is the parties are neither of those things. It is the voters. People who vote for Democrats are evil, while the people who continue to vote Republican are stupid. Only when enough people smarten up will be able to address the evil."

The rest of Evans' quote is as follows: "I’m very proud to be a member of the stupid party. Occasionally, the two parties get together to do something that’s both evil and stupid. That’s called bipartisanship."

He is, indeed, a member of the stupid party if he projects stupidity as an explanation for the behavior of elected Republicans in office. Elected Republicans in office aren't stupid. They're mendacious, cowardly and corrupt. Luckily for us, every once in a while a Republican will somehow manage to get elected somehow who isn't totally compromised. The anti-Establishment bonafides of at least a handful of elected officials, and the decent behavior in office once there of an even smaller handful who actually care about their constituents and what they want and what is right almost uniquely come from the Republican party. Because the Republican voters aren't evil. They're stupid. It's almost a fortuitous accident when someone like Ron Desantis gives the woke corporate overlords the business in the culture wars to protect our children, or Kristi Noem refuses to curtail our freedoms in South Dakota because of a flu-season panic ginned up by the Establishment. 

The only exception I can think of is the recent populist anti-Establishment candidacy of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. He's wrong about an awful lot of things. Dead wrong. But he seems to be honestly wrong, and he's right about a number of other things, and it's good to see someone from the Democrat ideology actually challenging some of their most insane doctrines and cult-like tenets. Not that it'll come to anything, but the good news, scarce though it may be, is that the blatant evil and corruption of the Establishment is laid pretty bare these days. People are challenging it, even as the Establishment struggles to silence them, from all fronts anymore. Normal people in America are not so far gone yet as to accept the evil of the Evil party lying down. If the Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah and the rest of the cities of the plain after his conversation with Abraham because not even ten righteous people could be found in the whole society of Sodom, Gomorrah, (and Admah and Zeboim, which are often overlooked), then I feel confident in suggesting that we are not anywhere near that level of "ripeness for destruction" in America, in spite of our many crippling problems. 

I hope that the fall of ClownWorld, which currently rules the west, will be relatively peaceful, not unlike the fall of the Soviet Union, which it resembles in many eerie respects. However, the presence of literal hordes of entitled, angry Third Worlders who think that they can simply take what is ours by virtue of their brownness and our whiteness makes that sadly unlikely.

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